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June 25, 2003

New dimension to the Spike
New dimension to the Spike TV v. Spike Lee battle: Spike Jones, Jr., whose father wrote "Yes We Have No Bananas", has joined with TNN against Spike Lee, arguing that no one owns the name "Spike". -amy
- There's an affidavit from Jones out there somewhere that we're trying to track down. In the meantime, here's the recent order denying a stay in the injunction [pdf]. In other words, Spike TV can't delay changing their name.
Also, a twist I'm not sure anyone has mentioned: Spike is sort of biting the hand that fed him on this one: Viacom, the owner of TNN/SpikeTV also owns MTV, which funded Kings of Comedy, which partially resuscitated Spike after Summer of Sam underwhelmed the box office and critics. (And then he followed up with Bamboozled.) -adm
posted by amy at 11:00 AM | #