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June 28, 2003


NYT on Amy Sacco

NYT on Amy Sacco of Bungalow 8. Great picture of the Hilton squad accompanies the article.

posted by adm at 9:51 AM | #


Amy Sacco, I don't really like you very much today.. okay.. all I think is you're just kind of FAT.. and UGLY.. ok.. From Sarah

You have big chink eyes OKAY.. you're mean to Jeanette so I'm going to kill you.. you have big fat chicken knees.. im done.. from CHANTEL

Posted by: Chantel Sarah at November 10, 2004 10:07 AM

I do not find u ugly at all...KEEP IT UP Amy ...you're tough!! From Rome a big IN BOCCA AL LUPO!!!

Posted by: MIC at August 27, 2005 2:57 PM

Hrmmm... Amy, it's Leandro, we have to take this off the web because chantel is just hateing so much. Jelouse, your beautiful and I was very pleased to meet you. hope your having a good time in Mulan

Posted by: leandro maeder at September 30, 2005 5:45 PM

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