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June 24, 2003

Spike Jonze's Ikea ad, "Lamp",
Spike Jonze's Ikea ad, "Lamp", won Ad of the Year at the international Cannes Lions Advertising Festival. The guys who made "The Cog", the Honda ad (which was also a nominee) must be pretty pissed.
(Reminder that the other two Ikea ads on the page were directed by Wes Anderson.)
More on ads: Slate's ad analyst takes a look at that branded streaker at the US Open last week. (The Fark thread he mentions is easy to find. In case you were wondering, Farkers identify her [via matching tattoos] as Britney/Brittany/Brittney Skye [imdb], a porn star who others call "a poor man's Jenna Jameson". Adult Video News confirms the ID.)
posted by adm at 1:17 AM | #