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June 8, 2003

Sunday reading:NYT says Vegas has
Sunday reading:
- NYT says Vegas has abandoned its "family entertainment" scheme and is returning to its Sin City roots.
- NYT half-heartedly reviews that book about the Segway. Remember, it was the leaks about the book that led to all the hype in the first place.
- NYT on that $300 standard peanut butter, which I think was mentioned elsewhere last week.
- NYT's Frank Rich on "telephilia" -- the compulsion to be on TV -- and Capturing the Friedmans, the new documentary with all the buzz.
- LAT: Iraqi brigadier general says, Iraq has no weapons, but was ready to start creating them using secret, small labs). (But probably not those mobile labs, since, as the NYT reports, more people are conceding the trailers were probably used for something else. By the way, here's the CIA's official public report about the trailers.
- LAT: Cocaine crops in Columbia are being decimated, thanks to US involvement.
- Washington Post on all the newspapers in Iraq.
- Human sexuality image bank. Widely blogged, I think. Includes a chart showing what percentage of the population engages in self-pleasure, and at what ages. Also will show you, if you're 19-year-old boy and wondering, where the clitoris is.
- Chicago Sun Times asks whether Janeane G. has been blacklisted. Her ABC sitcom was spiked.
posted by adm at 4:43 PM | #