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July 14, 2003

For the first time since
For the first time since around the Cuban Missile Crisis, New York City has released an Emergency Preparedness Guide, which you should download and memorize right away. You can get it in Haitian Creole, Mandarin, Klingon, Russian, Szechuan, and maybe English.
I think it tells you what to do if you have to go to the bathroom really bad or you run over some white trash in your SUV.
Also, don't miss the related brochure about -- this is real -- "Pet Preparedness" [pdf].
You can also download the video PSAs, starring -- and this is also real -- Gilbert Gottfried, et al. telling you what to do as your world ends. (The ads are so poorly scripted, they're more confusing than informative. Are the answers the people give correct or incorrect? I can't tell.)
posted by adm at 2:02 AM | #