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July 7, 2003

July 4th weekend movie news:
July 4th weekend movie news: T3 makes over $40 million; Charlie's Angels loses 61% of its viewers; 70% of Legally Blonde's viewers are female. -amy
- The box office results from the last two weeks are evidence of the changing nature of the blockbuster: people are just too fatigued to keep shelling out money to see these huge movies every week all summer. Something has to give: and the Hulk, Charlie's Angels, and T3 have all suffered for it. Sure, T3's $40 million is a lot of money, but two summers ago, this would have been the smash hit of the year. That movie should have been up around $65 million in its opening weekend, but after the X-2, Matrix Reloaded, Hulk, and the Angels, how can people afford/desire to go see it? They can't.
Special effects have been astonishing lately, and it takes an enormous amount of effort to get those results, but the visual landscape has become so cluttered/super-saturated with the Next Big Thing that we barely notice, and even if we notice, we immediately forget. Hollywood is killing its most prized golden goose: the action blockbuster. After a while, it doesn't make sense to spend all this time and money on making your effects believable and interesting when no one's going to go see your movie anyway. -adm
posted by amy at 10:57 AM | #