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July 29, 2003
Kids-recklessly-driving-stolen-vehicles seems to be a
Kids-recklessly-driving-stolen-vehicles seems to be a phenomenon this summer, much like shark attacks appeared to be a couple years ago. We've mentioned a couple cases already, but here's a list as comprehensive as I can manage:
- The latest: German three-year-old steals car twice in four days.
- Iowa 12-year-old steals 6 cars.
- New Jersey 9-year-old terrorizes town with stolen vehicles. [nyt]
- Cleveland 5-year-old kills self after crashing grandmother's car. (sad story)
- West Virginian 11-year-old girl crashes car her 12-y-o brother stole the day before.
- Canadian 11-year-old serial car thief now tailed by group home staff 24/7.
posted by adm at 8:21 PM | #