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July 10, 2003

LAT has a review of
LAT has a review of Heidi Julavits' The Effect of Living Backwards, which it calls "a postmodern joy ride into self-awareness," a phrase which probably describes most (all?) pomo books lately, from DFW to Eggers to this week's literary badboy to every other navel-gazing literary hipster we want to eliminate*. Still, the book sounds interesting, a little like the Delillo books that deal with terrorists (as the reviewer sort of points out).
*Except you, DFW. We would never eliminate you.
Seems, again, like a great excuse to introduce our first ever literary round of Who's Older?™, now with automatic score-keeping, and starring two of our favorite contemporary big shots. Here you go: [this quiz is disabled]
posted by adm at 11:54 AM | #