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July 16, 2003

The media is going to
The media is going to be hyperventilating over the J. Lo/Ben Affleck interview that's being shown in its entirety tomorrow night, so we might as well start now. First: They welcome paparazzi at their wedding. Second: details about their wedding are revealed in USA Today. Details like what Jennifer will be wearing, but not details like when or where it will be. Also, here is a quote from the article: "Popular theory: Affleck wants to help sophisticate his wife-to-be's image in case his long-rumored aspirations of a political life as a congressman from Massachusetts become a reality." So now B-Af wants to be the Jeb Bush of Mass with his Puerto Rican wife?! [tm Whiskas]
Third: the clips of the interview I saw last night on Access Hollywood were pretty much as grating as you would expect. Ben immediately starts to answer every question, then Jennifer interrupts him after about 5 seconds. Clips from Gigli confirm all the "unwatchable" early reports.
And Finally: Teen Hollywood might be our favorite new website.
posted by amy at 4:20 PM | #