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August 29, 2003

9/11 Transcripts ReleasedObviously, there's a
9/11 Transcripts Released
Obviously, there's a lot of material to link to here, so we'll just do what we can. Some of it may be redundant, so sorry. Here you go:
- Port Authority statement on the transcripts.
- Port Authority "fact sheet" on transcripts. (I converted their Word doc to HTML).
- NYT initial coverage/analysis of transcripts.
- NYT explanation and excerpts.
- Terrific NYT interactive feature with audio commentary.
- Newsday: Audio transmissions (Not sure if these are new.)
- Newsday: transcripts from selected time periods.
- CNN is carrying the AP's excerpts from the transcripts.
- 1010 WINS story and excerpts.
- BBC story and video.
- Washington Post article and excerpts.
- CNN story.
- NPR story (audio)
- WABC excerpts.
- Reuter's story.
- LAT article and excerpts.
At the time I first posted this, I couldn't find a place to download the whole set of transcripts, so if someone finds it before we do, please post it to the Amy's Robot Link Factory.
posted by adm at 12:45 AM | #