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August 1, 2003

A. & I have been
A. & I have been in transit all day, so not much time for our baby Robot today. Here's a little something:
- TV Barn loves Keith Olbermann, just like me (even though he can be a little self-important sometimes). And NBC offers this list of recent entertaining quotes from Olbermann's show.
- Slate compiles some not-entirely-bad reviews of WWE wrestler Mick Foley's new novel. One reviewer likens him to a mix of JD Salinger, Dostoevsky, and Bret Easton Ellis.
- Ebert gives Gigli two-and-a-half stars, somehow. Look at this glowing praise, regarding an exchange of monologues about sex organs: "It is so rare to find dialogue of such originality and wit, so well written, that even though we know the exchange basically involves actors showing off, they do it so well, we let them." Jeez, remind me to send my screenplay to Ebert. Even Salon's Charles Taylor -- who hates everything -- said it wasn't "the crime against humanity" it was rumored to be.
posted by adm at 5:02 PM | #