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August 25, 2003

Animals rights activists have been
Animals rights activists have been vandalizing the homes of San Francisco-area restaurateurs, because of their plans to offer foie gras at new restaurants. The damage has been extensive, and the vandals also use intimidation tactics that we learned from Lost Highway. The chef, Laurent Manrique, said his wife stepped outside in the morning,
- "holding our 2-year-old baby in her arms, went out to pick up the paper, and noticed that there was red paint everywhere on the house," said Manrique, estimating the damage at more than $10,000. "They wrote things like 'Go back to France' on the walls and dumped acid on my car." Manrique said the vandals had left behind a videotape of his family inside the house that had been shot through a window.
posted by amy at 11:45 AM | #