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August 12, 2003


Anyone see Brittany Murphy on

Anyone see Brittany Murphy on Letterman the other night? Recap from WENN:

The 8 Mile star was appearing on The David Letterman Show when she was asked about Ashton's relationship with older woman Demi Moore. The giggly Uptown Girls actress replied, "I suppose the crux of their relationship basically means to him that age doesn't matter and to her that size doesn't matter. Good going for him, I suppose." When the shocked audience erupted into laughter, Brittany backtracked hysterically, insisting, "Kidding, I'm just kidding, he was always a huge Bruce Willis fan. Oh Lord yes, of course I'm teasing." She added, "They're great and he's great. Just not for me. I'm sorry." The sexy star later told Letterman she'd "learned not to speak about relationships on TV".
Well, yeah, except that she hasn't actually learned.

posted by adm at 2:07 PM | #


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