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August 20, 2003

Continuing an earlier thread, British
Continuing an earlier thread, British group tour companies are getting in trouble, and some of their reps are getting arrested for encouraging lewd and dangerously alcoholic behavior among their travellers. Companies like Club 18-30 are changing their official rules after this especially raucous summer in Rhodes: no more bar crawls, booze cruises, or drinking games. Judging from their website, which features naked people on the main page, and copy like this: "What's on? You name it you can do it in Faliraki. Check out SPANK - the ultimate school disco experience, NymFOAMania - get lathered & leathered at the new foam party @ BED club, and don't miss ONE NIGHT STAND - the raunchy interactive cabaret, and they're just for starters!", they don't seem too eager to change their party-hard image.
posted by amy at 12:08 PM | #