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August 8, 2003

"Oh no! We've lost our

"Oh no! We've lost our cachet!"
Flash mobs have hit London. They are beset by unsynchronized watches (leading to an extremely pathetic "flash" mob arriving at a store after it had already closed, and having to persuade the manager to reopen, just so they could have their stupid flash mob) and media overkill, much like the originals. Please make it stop. It's not funny. It's not fun.
- Update: And so obviously, a flash mob hit the Times Square Toys R Us last night, and even the organizers are beginning to realize the phenomenon is doomed:
A man who seemed suspiciously like an organizer and gave an obviously false name said after the Toys "R" Us event: "Unfortunately all the media coverage, it's going to just destroy the cachet sooner or later. You can imagine that the next one or two ... people are not going think its cool, it's not really a happening, it's a media event," he said.Funny how "media coverage" = "uncool" = "we have to stop doing this". Coincidentally, Amy and I were in the store shortly before the (penultimate?) happening, but missed our chance to yell "Didn't you hear? You're not cool anymore! Come up here and buy some toys!" at attendees.
ps. Notice in the picture above (from Toys R Us) that there's a guy in the second row who appears to be wearing a trucker hat. -adm
posted by amy at 9:44 AM | #