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August 15, 2003

So we are back online
So we are back online now.
Having spent a good 20+ hours alone in the dark, drinking tequila and Gatorade, sweating/sleeping/sweating/sleeping, eating nothing but humid chips and salsa, periodically attempting cold showers, and listening to my upstairs neighbors drunkenly croon Puerto Rican folk songs, I can tell you something: next time I'm going to do everything exactly the same.
One bit of commentary, probably echoed by millions already: Why did Mayor Mike say the power could be back by dark? That's the sort of idiot thing politicians would say in the unenlightened days of the 70s and 80s. Isn't it intuitively obvious that you should lower people's expectations to prevent anxiety? It seemed like exactly the wrong thing to say, and very unBloombergy.
Here's the NYT's special section on the blackout, and here's a retrospective on the '65 and '77 blackouts.
posted by adm at 10:30 PM | #