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August 2, 2003

Time magazine has an article
Time magazine has an article about how artists abroad see America. It covers The American Effect, the current show at the Whitney we wrote about a few weeks ago. A picture of an installation -- the convalescent home for superheroes -- accompanies the article.
Another portion of the article (or, really, series of articles) is about the 11-09-01 film project: 11 films, each 11 minutes, 9 seconds, and 1 frame long about 9/11, from a (mostly) non-American perspective: "In Sean Penn's vignette, an old man (Ernest Borgnine) stricken by his wife's death lives in a lower Manhattan flat where the flowers are wilting from lack of sunlight. He gets up one morning and happily finds them in bloom, not realizing that it's because one of the Twin Towers no longer blocks the light."
posted by adm at 5:32 AM | #