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September 11, 2003

1990 Redux
As m@ points out, there are a hell of a lot of bands reuniting these days. The Guardian asks, Are the Pixies going to be crap when they tour next year? There is, I suppose, the possibility that they might be as sorry as the Rolling Stones wailing and kickboxing their way through 35 year old songs, but come on. THE PIXIES. ARE TOURING. If that doesn't excite you, then maybe you're one of those people who DID get to see them play years ago, or at least caught The Breeders with Nirvana on their 1993 tour.
As for My Bloody Valentine, Kevin Shields has released a slew of new tracks on the Lost in Translation soundtrack, so there is hope. However, we've been disappointed before, so I'll believe it when I see it.