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September 15, 2003

Cultural Capital at Ground Zero
Various groups have sent in proposals for what to do with the space set aside for art and culture at the WTC. Arthur Miller and Meryl Streep are backing a theater complex, the New York City Opera wants an opera house, but maybe there's no room, and the 92nd Street Y proposes a community center. The Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Corporation, as with all such things, will weigh their options and decide something that some people will like and many people will hate. Too bad the 3,000 people half-buried there don't have a say in the process. Do you think they would vote for the opera house or the playhouse?
I may as well note, for the one millionth time, the ridiculousness of stuff like this, especially around 9/11 anniversaries, during which everybody in power sits around and offers banalities like "the children are the hope for the future" and makes a big deal about how sacred everything is, and then they go back to work and order everybody to hurry up with the construction of the office towers already. Oh yeah. And the cultural center.