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September 4, 2003

I'm going to write something
I'm going to write something about the upcoming New Yorker Festival in a few days (most interesting panel: "Wyclef Jean talks with Jeffrey Eugenides"), but in the meantime here's a bit of info I gleaned from the Barnes & Noble brochure for the event: Don DeLillo's novel White Noise has been adapted for the screen. Stephen Schiff (Lolita and -- ugh -- Deep End of the Ocean) wrote the screenplay. This effectively kills my long-time plan to shoot a page-by-page literal adaptation of the novel, a project that would have surpassed even Greed, von Stroheim's 9-hour-long adaptation of Frank Norris' McTeague.
This information also reminded me that when Don D's Underworld came out, big time producer Scott Rudin optioned it for $1 million, but I imagine that project is dormant, since (a) the book has no plot and (b) there's another movie called Underworld coming out in a couple weeks.* Probably the only person capable of directing DD's Underworld would be Wim Wenders, except I don't think he knows anything about baseball. Oh no wait: PT Anderson maybe could do it, except he already turned down the project.
*coincidentally, another movie called White Noise is also coming out in 2005 ("A man is contacted from beyond the grave by his murdered wife.")
posted by adm at 6:46 AM | #