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September 5, 2003

One of the cattiest, most
One of the cattiest, most vituperative columns ever by good old Tom Shales in the Washington Post today about last night's football extravaganza on the Mall in our nation's capital, which basically was the VMA's Redux, but this time with the President. I caught only a few minutes of Bush's speech, but it was delivered with the same earnest doggedness that he uses when talking about Saddam Hussein, the fight against AIDS in Africa, subsidized farmers in California, and his golf swing ("We will find each one of these terrorists, and find them and bring them to justice,... now watch this putt.") I'm sorry I didn't watch to the end, missing his inspiring closing rhetoric: "Are you ready for some football?"
My favorite quote from the article is about Britney: "Spears just kept singing, singing, singing. Or rather syncing, syncing, syncing. But the feeling some of us at home were having would be better described as sinking, sinking, sinking."
posted by amy at 10:52 AM | #