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September 9, 2003

Technical affairs update: Sorry for
Technical affairs update: Sorry for the continued delays on our server. Grr. The latest from our host:
Hello,I just took the complicated scripting out of our pages, and that seems to fix the delays. The noticeable change to you, our faithful readers, is that there's no more "robot changes depending on who wrote the post" trickery. I think you can live with that for a few days.
I just talked to one of the people who was on call this weekend (who had yesterday off), and he mentioned that one of the database machines was acting a little weird over the weekend. While it appears to have been working fine yesterday, we're going to move some people off of it and onto a new machine today just to be safe. If you still notice problems after another day or two (when the moves are completed), please let us know as there may be a trickier problem at hand.
posted by adm at 3:26 PM | #