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September 26, 2003

Used CDs You Have Seen Hundreds Of Times
Pitchfork has compiled Castoffs and Cutouts, their Top 50 Used CDs (via fimoculous), many of which you will probably recognize, because you contributed to the inventory at Joe's, Kim's, and Princeton Record Exchange. The list is very perceptive and accurate, and helpfully rates each entry for its worthiness, should you happen to come upon it in your local used bin. I would agree with all of these ratings, with the possible exception of Lush's last album Ladykillers, which is not strong, but has at least 3 very good songs on it. The disses on Veruca Salt, Frente, and REM's Monster album ("The very words 'Bang and Blame' send most people over 25 into fits" hee hee!) are totally deserved. Saying you hate Arrested Development and Republic by New Order is gutsy and controversial, but I can't disagree.