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October 14, 2003


Overcrowding in NYC schools

What happens when you add a surge of over 7,000 extra freshmen into an already over-crowded urban public school system that has also closed several of the largest, worst-performing schools in the same year? Lunch at 9:21 am, classes held from 7:00 am until after 5:00 pm on a staggered schedule, classes in the principal's office, and hallways more neck-stabbingly crowded than the 4 and 5 trains at rush hour. I remember when my hometown similarly failed to anticipate what would happen when 3 elementary schools were fed into one small high school, and many classes were held in trailers parked on the soccer field. Brooklyn and the Bronx don't have such options, so 14 year-olds have to go to Spanish 3 after it's already dark.

categories: NYC
posted by amy at 3:51 PM | #


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