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October 29, 2003

We can stop any time we want
Like the irresistible hit the junkie has hocked his mother's TV for, today's blogging brings us not only the glorious return of 24 to our lives, but also the surprising rebirth of ADM as a Kiefer addict (see below.) Just can't stay away, can you?
The addiction metaphor is cruel to us pathetic viewers, who crawl back every year, even though our eyes already start glazing over the second we see the Presidential limo on the screen during the season premiere. The Palmer plot has always been a weak point, and even a great actor like Dennis Haysbert can't rehearse responses for a press conference and make it exciting. At least we have some inter-racial action with a short version of Mimi Rogers to spice things up.
Other comments: Kim's boyfriend is a real upgrade from Mr. Kickboxing Matchbox 20, but is probably too good looking not to be a terrorist. Come on. We know this show and its predilection for sexy, vaguely Eastern European guys who seduce and destroy. So good luck, Kim, and keep up with the "authorization ownership encryption" and "data forking" and all the other whatever-techno-speak you picked up at CTU. At leat now Michelle has taken over your boobie-displaying duties for this season, and will presumably be wearing the same top that is inappropriate for any job, especially when you work for some quasi-military branch of the government, for the entire season.
Also, the "pulmonary immuno-virus" threatening LA is totally nonsensical, according to Amy's Robot's Biomedical Expert Panel.