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December 22, 2003


Carrying hand sanitizer at all times suddenly seems reasonable

purellThe Daily News offers a heroically exhaustive study of all the disgusting germs that can be found all over subway cars, ticket machines, and turnstiles -- plus the great news that the MTA is cutting 200 cleaning jobs over the next year. The News took swabs from all over our city's public transit system and found staph, strep, fecal e.coli, flesh-eating bacteria, and molds basically everywhere. They conclude that we are a filthy bunch of barbarians who sneeze without covering our mouths, never wash our hands, don't use toilet paper, and apparently also pull our pants down and rub ourselves all over the MetroCard machines.

They also include one terrifying factoid that might lead me to swear off public bathrooms forever, even the ones in hotel lobbies that are the only free bathrooms available in most parts of town: "Close the toilet lid before flushing: Aerosolized particles from inside the bowl can jump 20 feet."

Jumping aerosolized particles. Maybe the subway is so filthy because we're all covered in our own evaporated excrement. Welcome to the world of OCD. -amy

People may laugh at you and call you compulsive and paranoid, but when you're the one who's healthy (despite mingling with 800 kids every day at work) and they're the ones cancelling dinner because they're sick*, you know you have one person to thank: the inventor of Purell (and maybe your mom who passed her obsessive nature on to you). Even so, when you're walking to lunch and spot one of these things lying face down in a pile of garbage and covered in brown sticky stuff, it's hard to resist dragging it back to your apartment, spraying it with Clorox, and plugging it in. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm in a hurry to ride the subway with The Great Unwashed down in the tunnels. Oh you Sneezers and Coughers, use your elbows! -adm

*Actual email received moments ago:

ADM, i have to cancel tonight's dinner due to illness. i'm feeling horrible. my muscles are in pain. phlegmy chest, too.

categories: NYC
posted by amy at 3:16 PM | #


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