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January 7, 2004

9/11: Unintended Consequences
One of the things we've been interested in since 9/11 are consequences of the attacks that Osama bin Laden could never have foreseen. Like when the release of Arnold Schwarzegger's movie Collateral Damage was delayed, or when Union Square Cafe slipped to second place in the Zagat's survey last year.So here's the latest unintended consequence of that fateful day: the Port Authority cop who was caught videotaping his 11-year-old neighbor taking a shower has offered his defense: "9/11 made me do it."
His lawyer, Steven Gaitman, said Bass was driven to commit the crime because of the stress he felt after losing scores of friends at the World Trade Center and then helping search for bodies hours after the attacks.And what a way to honor the memory of his fallen buddies! Forget the reflecting pools! Let's all commit acts of sexual perversion instead.
War and Security
posted by adm at 3:35 PM | #