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January 5, 2004
Amy's Robot Security Alert: Beware These Flight Numbers
It's been reported that terrorists may have targeted British Airways flight #223 because 223 is the number of a UN resolution criticizing Israel's policies toward Palestinians. Because in These Uncertain Times™, you can't be too careful, we thought we'd point out some other flight numbers you might want to avoid:Flight 227 | Long-running feud between Jack馥 and Marla Gibbs might erupt into unexpected shoe bomb attack. | Flight 3.14 or 3.141 | Engineers have been arguing for decades about whether rounding to three digits is really any better than stopping at just two. Could boil over. |
Flight 662 | 662 is the number of a bill in the North Dakota legislature that would change that state's name to the catchier, more inviting "Dakota." Take a guess how South Dakota feels about that one. |
Flight Pennsylvania 6-5000 | German nihilists prefer the Kruder & Dorfmeister dub version to the Glenn Miller original. Don't even get them started on Flight 867-5309. |
War and Security
posted by adm at 4:33 PM | #