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January 5, 2004


Amy's Robot Security Alert: Beware These Flight Numbers

It's been reported that terrorists may have targeted British Airways flight #223 because 223 is the number of a UN resolution criticizing Israel's policies toward Palestinians. Because in These Uncertain Times™, you can't be too careful, we thought we'd point out some other flight numbers you might want to avoid:

Flight 227

Long-running feud between Jack馥 and Marla Gibbs might erupt into unexpected shoe bomb attack.

Flight 3.14 or 3.141

Engineers have been arguing for decades about whether rounding to three digits is really any better than stopping at just two. Could boil over.

Flight 662

662 is the number of a bill in the North Dakota legislature that would change that state's name to the catchier, more inviting "Dakota." Take a guess how South Dakota feels about that one.

Flight Pennsylvania 6-5000

German nihilists prefer the Kruder & Dorfmeister dub version to the Glenn Miller original. Don't even get them started on Flight 867-5309.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

categories: War and Security
posted by adm at 4:33 PM | #