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January 20, 2004


Jude: "Cover that stuff up."

The ongoing dissolution of Jude Law and Sadie's marriage reached a new level of bitterness and degradation after photos of Sadie leaving Kate Moss's birthday party (she's 30! Hey Kate! You're almost exactly half way between ADM and I in age! Let's be best friends!) were printed, in which her breast was visible due to dress strap slippage. Jude could have just laughed it off, "oh dear, Sadie's plastered again, har har!", or ignored it, or felt sorry for his poor ditched wife, getting drunk and sloppy at parties, and suffering through the entire world seeing her partially undressed. But instead, he used it as an excuse to call her up and lay into her for embarrassing him. And being a bad role model for their children. Jude, you divorced her. Her exposed breasts are no longer within your jurisdiction. She didn't ask for those photos to be taken. Get over yourself. And let me tell you, while I was in London last week, Jude certainly had no qualms about indecent exposure when he was testing the resilience of the waistband on my skirt on the dancefloor at Turnmills. So fresh!

Also some good details in the Sun article about the McCartney daughters, Stella and Mary, at the same party, arguing about Stella partying too hard and Mary being old and boring.

categories: Celebrities
posted by amy at 3:30 PM | #