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January 21, 2004

The Neistat Brothers +
Our friends Van and Casey, known professionally/artistically as The Neistat Brothers, have an opening/party tonight at Marquee in Chelsea, coinciding with the debut of their short film, The Mousetrap, on the giant screen in Times Square. The Mousetrap will be shown on the last minute of every hour from 6am - 1am until June 26, alternating with a couple of other films. The film is part of a series called The 59th Minute, which is responsible for presenting films in Times Square on the last minute of every hour, and is sponsored by Creative Time, a non-profit group dedicated to public art in the city.
The Neistat Brothers are best known for the "iPod's Dirty Secret" campaign that made headlines last month. You can watch their short film in support of that project here.