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January 29, 2004

Unforeseen Consequences of 9/11
In our continuing series of unintended consequences of the September 11 tragedies, we bring you the latest installment: the success of Norah Jones. And Ally McBeal's own Josh Groban, who seems to perform on TV more often than he does in regular venues. Yeah, according to their producer Arif Mardin, we're all seeking solace in this post-9/11 world and "things that take us back to a safer time." But for a producer who worked with Aretha Franklin and Dusty Springfield in the 1960's, only to produce "Wind Beneath My Wings" in the 1980's, he's got some reevaluating to do. The treacly music of Norah Jones threatens my personal safety, Arif, because it makes me a danger to myself.
Music, War and Security
posted by amy at 10:10 AM | #