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February 2, 2004

MoveOn Mix-up
After CBS refused to run MoveOn.org's ad during the Super Bowl, MoveOn went to CNN and asked them to air the ad at specific times during half time, so dedicated viewers could "boycott CBS" and turn to CNN and see the ad. Well, what with all the nipple excitement, or something, that didn't work out so well. MoveOn sent out this message to its members today:I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know what happened to "Child's Pay" during the Super Bowl last night. Hundreds of thousands of us switched over to CNN to watch "Child's Pay" at exactly 8:10 and 8:35pm EST - the precise times CNN had promised us. The ad actually ran at 8:19 and 8:39pm, still during half-time but not at the exact times promised.CNN's going to refund a big chunk of the cost for running the ad last night, and that money will be put into running "Child's Pay" in our target states. Despite the hurdles from CBS and CNN, "Child's Pay" will continue to air. Thanks again for being a part of this nation-wide campaign.
Media, Politics, TV
posted by adm at 7:44 PM | #