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March 17, 2004


Jessica Simpson: Fact or Fiction

Can this possibly be true? From the Washington Post's Reliable Sources column:

[Jessica] Simpson, whose verbal gaffes are legendary, pulled another one Sunday visiting the White House, our sources say. The singer was introduced to Interior Secretary Gale Norton and gushed: "You've done a nice job decorating the White House."
Even Lloyd Grove, who used to write Reliable Sources and now works for the Daily News, re-reports this bit in today's column. Sure, it's hard to under-estimate the ridiculousness of anything Simpson might say, but this one is so perfect, it strains credulity. Maybe Reliable Sources just meant it as an original joke? Regardless, this one's a bit more believable:
Referring to Simpson's role on MTV's "Newlyweds," Bush told the audience, "Jessica Simpson is here with us, which means we've finally introduced reality TV to the Lincoln Theater." He meant Ford's Theatre, of course, but everyone knows President Lincoln was shot there.

categories: Celebrities, Politics
posted by adm at 9:24 AM | #