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April 19, 2004

Amy's Robot: Personnel Changes
The loyal and acutely observant among you may have actually noticed that two people, not just one, write this site. There's Amy (yellow posts), and then there's ADM (pink posts, like this one).In any case, after 2+ years in which we've produced over 2600 posts, one of us -- namely, me -- has decided to scale back involvement in the site.
For the last couple of months, I've lacked the time and energy to contribute much that I thought was interesting or valuable, so I wanted to formally step away before I damaged our site's hard-earned reputation as a purveyor of trash, snipery, and traitorous politicking.
Going forward, our friend Emily will take over, and our other friend Andrew will contribute from time to time, and of course Amy will continue with her usual zeal. I'll still add stuff to the Amy's Robot Link Factory, and every now and then, I may write something, too. I'm also taking on an advisory role, crafting mission statements, business plans, and organizational flowcharts for the Amy's Robot Information Superhighway Manifest Destiny Corporation, the holding company of this site. And I'll be continuing my award-winning* work on The Ledger, my ill-conceived effort to thoroughly document each of the 320 or so episodes of Law & Order.
Before I start all that, however, I'm looking forward to spending more time with my family -- and by "family," I mean my Tivo and my porn collection.
Thanks for reading.
*Winner, Most Tedious Blog Award, 2003.
posted by adm at 12:00 AM | #