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April 23, 2004

Charlie Rose and Quentin Tarantino: the two most ghoulish men on TV

Last night's Very Special Episode of Charlie Rose featured a full hour of interview with Mr. Hyper himself, QT. In case you missed it, it was probably the most manic episode of Charlie Rose ever filmed. Quentin revealed some interesting tidbits that I thought I'd share:
1) The casting of David Carradine for the title role in Kill Bill was inspired by Tarantino's reading of Carradine's autobiography, Endless Highway. When he was still considering different people for the role (like Warren Beatty), he gave the book to a good pal -- ETHAN HAWKE -- who agreed that Carradine was the best choice for Bill. Wonder if those two are still in the same book club these days.
2) He made more references to his next movie Inglorious Bastards, a World War II movie. He's now nearly done with the screenplay.
3) As has been previously reported, he is strongly considering making Kill Bill Vol. 3 several years down the road, which will follow the daughter of the Vivica Fox character, Nikki, as she seeks revenge against The Bride for killing her mother, a story that The Bride herself alludes to in Kill Bill Vol. 1.