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May 4, 2004

Happy First Season, O.C.!
Has it really been less than a year since the beloved O.C. came into our lives? With it?s gorgeous blend of 90210-fake teenery and Melrose Place-style brawls and antics, The O.C. has changed our Wednesday nights forever and made us realize all over again how delicious television can be.
Who knew that in only 27 episodes, a young man could escape from Chino, join a new family, get into a fancy private school, steal a car, fool around with his adoptive grandfather's lady, find a depressive and needy girlfriend, save her from an overdose and a mental stalker, out her ex-boyfriend's gay dad, discover that same ex-boyfriend is sleeping with the clingy girlfriend?s mother and cause him to drive drunkenly into a tree, save an old girlfriend from an abusive relationship and maybe get her pregnant?..and on top of it all, start a fistfight every week?
You know where we'll be at 9pm EST tomorrow. Watching the first season finale of the best show on television.*
We love you, O.C. Don?t ever leave us.
* Disclaimer: not all staff members of Amy's Robot may support this statement.