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May 21, 2004

Whither The O.C.?
We've already discussed how disappointed we were with the first season finale of The O.C. Two-thirds of Amy's Robot was hit pretty hard by this, considering this was the best new show last season that hasn't already been cancelled (Wonderfalls was doing pretty well for all 4 of its episodes. Oh well.)
Today on Fametracker's 2 Stars 1 Slot reading, the featured actresses are Rachel Bilson, who plays Summer, and Mila Kunis, who plays the whiny, bossy, hot dark-haired girl Jackie on That '70s Show. The writers conclude that the two short, dark, lippy actors who play self-involved spoiled brats are totally indistinguishable: "Bilson and Kunis look and act the same; they even whine the same. They are the same. They could trade shows without causing the least disruption to their many overexposed co-stars."
This raises all kinds of anxieties that I apparently still have to vent about this show. Has The O.C. already lost it? At the close of the season, Summer, the smart-mouth sass who was my favorite TV character for a brief window, was already becoming just plain mean, and Seth Cohen, the source of many a thinking woman's squeal of glee, was changing from a funny oddball into an irritating dork. Same character traits, they just got tedious over time. And now Josh Schwartz, the show's creator, is getting sued by writers who say he stole their idea.
At this point, the anchors of the show are Peter Gallagher, who makes every scene he's in funny, and Kelly Rowan, who plays Kirsten, probably the nicest and coolest TV mom ever. I'm sorry to say it, but in November, I'll be watching because of the adults.