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June 7, 2004

MTV Movie Awards: Advance Highlights
Since MTV still tapes its movie awards show and airs it several days later, the press gets ample opportunity to provide tons of free publicity and complete coverage to all of us, who will have already lost interest by the time of the broadcast on Thursday. Here are some photographic highlights of the show you probably weren't planning on watching anyway:
Check out how long Halle Berry's hair has gotten. Is there any way this could be natural?
Looks like Scarlett has succumbed to the celebrity machine and lost a bunch of weight, and started wearing inadvisable outfits.
Ellen DeGeneres in Spiderman costume. Kirsten Dunst in bored old lady costume.
Also a new member of the Lost Tons Of Weight Club: Nicole Richie.
Snoop Dogg watches Carmen Electra and Paris Hilton kiss.
Sharon Stone is a foot and a half taller than Christina Aguilera. (But Christina's breasts are a foot and a half pointier than Sharon's.) (tx ADM)
Jack Black wears a political t-shirt.
Uma and Quentin in a very unflattering victory photo.
Gigantic, freaky placecards so celebrities know where they're supposed to sit.
Celebrities, Movies, TV
posted by amy at 12:35 PM | #