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June 2, 2004

Taking Candy From Babies
Bad news for greedy New York students: the State Legislature has decided you can稚 get candy from your school痴 vending machines anymore. Under this bill, food sold in vending machines must meet minimal nutritional guidelines, so that means no more "hard candy, chocolate candy, jellies, gums, marshmallow candies, fondant, licorice, spun candy and candy coated popcorn." Soda water and beverages containing caffeine and sugar will also be limited.
Lest you think all politicians are against you, William L. Parment, a Democrat from Jamestown, gave a 菟assionate defense� of chocolate.
"I object to this inclusion of chocolate in non-nutritious foods," Parment argued, noting that a Mars Bar contains less fat than a hot dog.
Schools may not sell chocolate, although chocolate milk will be available. Guess you kids will just have to go to the bodega for your fondant.
On a completely unrelated note, a bottle of Snapple Fruit Punch has 220 calories and almost 60 grams of sugar, mostly from high fructose corn syrup.