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June 18, 2004

Who'dat?™: The New Interactive Game from Amy's Robot!
After the earth-shattering success of our beloved game, Who's Older?, we're pleased to launch another game in which readers can pit their knowledge of celebrities against the ravages of time and ill-advised career choices. We bring you
Who'dat? will present you with a photograph of a celebrity in which the celebrity is more challenging to identify than you might expect. ADM is the master of locating such photographs, (including this one of Chelsea Clinton from a few years back) so I'm sure he'll initiate a few rounds of Who'dat?
To play the game, first try to determine the identity of the celebrity below. Then simply click on the photo below to see if you're right.

Announcements, Celebrities, Who'Dat?
posted by amy at 12:44 PM | #