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July 7, 2004

Apology to the Readers
It virtually never happens, but when I知 wrong, I say I知 wrong.
A few weeks ago, I predicted that Vh1 was about to unleash the greatest hour of television ever � the Guns N� Roses Behind the Music.
My friends, I started to suspect something was amiss when the original air date was pushed back from June 16 to June 30, and then again to July 5. 鏑egal trouble?� I thought. 撤erhaps Axl agreed to be interviewed and then pulled out? Maybe they池e waiting for clearance from Vh1 Legal?�
On Monday, my worst fears were confirmed. In addition to Axl, bassist Duff McKagan declined to participate. The episode was a retread of information that anyone who痴 ever flipped through a Rolling Stone at the airport knows, told from the perspective of Slash, original drummer Steve Adler, and various personalities and producers. They were wild! The drugs were out of control! Axl痴 unpredictable!
As if that isn稚 bad enough, Vh1 further insults us by claiming that Axl痴 mythological "Chinese Democracy" album, in production for almost eight years, will be released this November.
The thrill of Behind the Music is watching artists who are a little older, and occasionally a little wiser, reflect on their wild ride through the fame machine. I was willing to believe that the GN坦 episode wasn稚 produced earlier because the producers were determined to do it right, to show every side of the crazy story of one of the most captivating bands in rock. Instead, we got a bland PR piece reminding us that Slash has a new band.
Next time, Vh1, don稚 promise what you can稚 deliver.