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July 9, 2004

Hey, Will Ferrell's New Comedy is Out Today!
Does that headline make you wince, or at least clench your teeth uneasily? I'll bet it does. I will always appreciate Will Ferrell's skills as Alex Trebek on SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy, and his stint as the cowbell player in the Blue Oyster Cult's Behind the Music SNL sketch, but I'm unconvinced by his film career. OK, except for Elf, which was delightful and funny, but really, Bob Newhart had all the best lines.
So today Anchorman - The Legend of Ron Burgundy comes out. Ebert manages to write a review claiming the movie is funny, while demonstrating that it is in fact not funny, unless you work in news media. The supporting cast, including Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, and our beloved Fred Willard should save this movie, but the Times review suggests otherwise: "Ron's news team, filmed in slow motion and decked out in hideous striped ties and heavy sideburns, recall the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" video and other mid-90's parodies of the 70's more than anything from the actual era itself. There is a dumb weather guy named Brick (Steve Carell), an emotionally volatile sportscaster named Champ (David Koechner), and a tightly wound investigative reporter named Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd). They are supervised by Fred Willard, who lets them all mug and bluster with the serene detachment of a man who has done it all better before, and who has nothing left to prove."
You know Will Ferrell really needs? A strong director. That's why Elf was a good movie, because Jon Favreau knows how to make a scene work without relying solely on Will Ferrell hogging the camera and being hyper. Anchorman's director is Adam McKay, head SNL writer from 1997-2001, and this is his first movie. So work your comedy magic, Will, but I think I'll sit this one out.