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August 30, 2004

Coverage of the VMAs, which we did not actually watch
This was the first year I've missed the live broadcast of the VMAs in the last 5 years or so. Perhaps this signals some new entry into adulthood, marked by fading interest in cavorting rappers and vacuous stunts? Or maybe I just wised up, since watching the VMAs is actually not an enjoyable activity, judging from my 2002 and 2003 posts.
Anyway, some notable events that I did not watch: OutKast's political convention-like performance, Puffy's new mohawk and Bruce Willis' smirk that is identical to the smirk he started using in 1985, Beyonce giving up on looking classy and just dressing like a hooker like everybody else does, and the one segment of the event that I actually want to see, the duet performance by Mandy Moore and Marilyn Manson. Also nonstop celebrity demands directed at viewers about the hot new trend in the youth market, "voting".
Celebrities, Music, TV
posted by amy at 11:11 AM | #