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August 4, 2004

Halle Berry and beauty: Update
One astute reader read Halle Berry's statement in the article we posted earlier this week and wrote in with some special insights into Ms. Berry's history, specifically the history of the shape and size of her nose. In discussing plastic surgery and the quest for perfect beauty, Halle said, "Personally, I'm really saddened by the way women mutilate their faces today in search of that. There is this plastic, copycat look evolving and that's frightening to me ... It's really insane and I feel sad that's what society is doing to women."
Well! Our reader writes in:
Why do I assert such a thing? I used to work in a video store. One day we received a very cheaply made movie from the mid-80s starring Halle Berry. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the name, and it is not listed on IMDb. (If I recall correctly, it was something typically generic in an 80s way, like 'Dangerous Lessons' or something like that...) Anyway, she is the star of this probably made-for-cable movie and her nose is much wider[-looking] than it is now. It was extremely obvious that she had had some work done. All of the employees at the store took turns renting the movie to see for themselves. We kept it on display behind the counter to show people. I know that might sound mean, but we were all shocked that we had such pop-culture gold!
I found this link that helps back up my story, although it somewhat difficult to see the difference. I know it may be hard to believe without more evidence, but you will simply have to trust the fact that I have seen this (only?) movie she made pre-nose job. When trying to find a link on the web, there were many vague references to it, but nothing more...
So, I just thought you might like to know. If I happen to come across the name of that movie, or any other info, I will pass it along.
Make up your own minds. By the way, Halle, we still love you and hope we're still on for water polo this weekend.
posted by amy at 1:27 PM | #