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September 30, 2004

63% of likely voters say "But it won't pre-empt Joey, right?"
Since the Amy's Robot readership is a particularly politically savvy bunch, we realize that you're already prepared for the fiery first Presidential "Debate" tonight, brought to you from the tempest-tossed city of Miami. You already know that this is a CRITICAL FIRST DEBATE and that THE NETWORKS ARE GOING TO DEFY CAMERA RULES! You've heard weeks of shrieking and moaning from both sides, and if you hear any more about Al Gore's Great Sigh of 2000, you're going to throw yourself out a window.
Here's a little policy of mine: I don't read reviews before I go to see a movie, partly because I want to be surprised, but mostly because I don't trust myself to not be influenced by other people's opinions. This debate is no different. Every new piece of election news throws me into a panic, and I start to believe that other people's opinions are truth.
Paul Krugman addressed this same issue, predicting that no matter how tonight's debate goes, it will be analyzed based on superficial things like body language rather than issues. And voters will respond to that analysis, rather than the actual debate. (Kind of like this whole election season, right?)
So if you have some cable, I suggest watching tonight's debate on a commentary free outlet. Then give yourself a 10-minute processing breather before you start listening to your favorite (and especially your un-favorite) pundits. Be your own analyst! At the very least, it'll give you some ammunition when your coworker comes at you tomorrow all, "Well, Amy's Robot said Kerry's hair was flat!"
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