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December 15, 2004

Illegal nannies on tap
Perhaps inspired by the Bernie Kerik scandal involving his illegal Mexican nanny, the UK has stirred up its own version: David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, just resigned after admitting he used his office to expedite the visa processing for a Filipina nanny. A nanny for the child he had with his married ex-lover, no less. Much like the job Kerik was nominated for, Blunkett was in charge of his country's security, law enforcement, and immigration.
This guy hasn't been doing well in the public eye for the last few months, since his affair and child were discovered. At the end of the AP piece, they include a bizarre anecdote demonstrating his crumbling mental state: "Blunkett showed signs of feeling the pressure — using a back door to leave his home Wednesday to avoid reporters, and canceling plans to appear in the House of Commons Wednesday afternoon. He may not have helped himself by turning up at a Christmas party and singing a Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers duet, 'Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again.' News reports said the song bombed, and Blunkett quickly departed."
He also looks terrible in the picture. Get some rest, fella.
International, Politics
posted by amy at 4:39 PM | #
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