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December 13, 2004

Wait - what was that part about the Mexican nanny?
"As a nation that values immigration, and depends on immigration, we should have immigration laws that work and make us proud. Yet today we do not. Instead, we see many employers turning to the illegal labor market. We see millions of hard-working men and women condemned to fear and insecurity in a massive, undocumented economy."
[President Bush Proposes New Temporary Worker Program]
"Bush did not say anything about the matter yesterday, but he teased reporters by cupping his hand to his ear as he walked across the White House's South Lawn to his helicopter, as if to invite a question. Asked whether he was upset about Kerik, the president smiled and cupped his hand to his ear again, even though he appeared to have heard the question."
[White House pins blame on Kerik]
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According to the article linked to above, Bush's counsel and pick for Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez, was responsible for vetting Kerik, but somehow missed the fact that an arrest warrant for Kerik was issued in 1998 -- a fact that Newsweek discovered after "a few days of research."
So, there's double irony here: Kerik, the man who would be responsible for the country's immigration, can't even keep track of immigrants in his own house; and Gonzalez, the man who would be in responsible for the country's law enforcement, can't even keep track of warrants for the people he works with.
Posted by: adm at December 13, 2004 10:03 AM