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January 9, 2005


Divorce is the Pitts +

brad and jen

Can the world handle any more devastation? War, tsunamis, another Bush presidency and now...now, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have separated. The news leaves a world shocked by the failure of true love, as well as a trail of unanswered questions...should Jen have put aside her career for a baby? Will the US Weekly editorial staff be fired? Will it be awkward when they run into each other at the colorist?

Cleverly waiting until the weekly tabloids closed their editions, the Pitts released a heartfelt statement on their decision to separate: "For those who follow these sorts of things [clearly a shout-out to Amy's Robot! Hi, Brad and Jen!], we would like to explain that our separation is not the result of any of the speculation reported by the tabloid media....This decision is the result of much thoughtful consideration."

Luckily, the New York Daily News was immediately on top of the story, devoting more ink to the Pitt/Aniston breakup than all its September 11 coverage combined:

More Coverage:

I believe 20-year-old cocktail waitress Lindsay DiTocco speaks for us all when she says, "I've lost all faith in relationships." Amy's Robot will be sure to bring you all the latest news on this tragic story.


categories: Celebrities
posted by Emily at 3:44 PM | #

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