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February 1, 2005

Wonderfalls on DVD
Wonderfalls was one of the many shows last year that a lot of people, including me, really liked but got cancelled in less than one season. Now it's been released on DVD. Wonderfalls aired for only 4 episodes last year on Fox, but the DVD contains 9 more episodes that were never shown.
A few things the show had going for it: characters who have deadend jobs and no direction in life, who like to go to bars on weeknights. This is the kind of show I can get behind. It's one of the only shows I've ever seen on network TV in which characters order more rounds of drinks when they're already obviously drunk, and it's not part of a morality lesson about how alcohol destroys your life, and doesn't end in a car accident. It also featured lesbians cruising each other in a hospital on, like, the second episode. Yeah, and I wonder how a show like this could get cancelled.
Some Wonderfalls commentary by Rungu and his theory that it was created with more of a Canadian perspective.
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