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March 24, 2005


Daniel Day-Lewis has blisters on his fingers

Reclusive whackjob actor Daniel Day-Lewis has emerged bearded and wild-eyed from his hermitage to appear in a new movie The Ballad of Jack and Rose, written and directed by his wife Rebecca "daughter of Arthur" Miller. Since we love Daniel Day-Lewis, and since the movie also stars Catherine Keener, we'll likely be seeing it.

To publicize the movie, Day-Lewis has given a rare interview to Time Out New York magazine, which features a photo of him on the cover of this week's issue, in which he eerily resembles Charles Manson.

Day-Lewis as Charles Manson

The editors at Time Out must have realized this, because this is the quote from the interview that is exerpted on the cover of the magazine:

"People talk about New York as if the whole city is running helter-skelter toward Armaggedon!" [tx Agent 0019]

Guess how many movies Daniel Day-Lewis has appeared in since he won an Oscar for My Left Foot in 1989? Only 7.

categories: Celebrities, Media, Movies
posted by amy at 9:32 AM | #

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